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Privacy Policy - Job Search


Privacy Policy and Consent

Declaration of consent to the collection and processing of personal data by HAIPRO GmbH.

I hereby agree that the following personal data may be used and distributed by HAIPRO GmbH in the context of job placement.

  • Name Address

  • phone number and email address

  • Bank details

  • ID card, passport and e-card

  • social security number

  • CV

  • employment contract

  • payslip

  • Sick leave certificate and similar documents


The company HAIPRO GmbH may expressly use this personal data for the purpose of a job search in the sense of job placement and pass it on to third parties, parties associated with the process.
The company HAIPRO GmbH may expressly also request and collect the same personal data from the employer and other parties involved in the process in the period after the successful placement and employment.
This data is stored on the HAIPRO GmbH server and can only be viewed by authorized persons. We hereby assure that the EDP carried out by us is based on applicable laws and is necessary for the conclusion of the contractual relationship.

In addition, it requires the consent of the user for any further data collection. Automatic deletion takes place after 24 months if the corresponding data is no longer required.

user rights

The person has the right to withdraw this consent at any time without giving a reason. Furthermore, collected data can be corrected or deleted if necessary, or their collection can be restricted.
On request, you can request detailed information about the scope of the data collection we have carried out at the address below. Data transmission can also be requested if the signatory wishes his data to be transmitted to a third party.

Consequences of non-consent

The person has the right not to agree to this declaration of consent - however, since our service relies on the collection and processing of the data mentioned, non-agreement would preclude use of the service.


Complaints, requests for information and other concerns should be addressed to the following office:

Ivan Hrnjak, Managing Director
Hummelbachgasse 16
4880 St Georgen im Attergau

User Consent
The person hereby assures that they agree to the collection and processing of their data by HAIPRO GmbH and that they have been informed of their rights.



Privola o davanju osobnih podataka

Izjava o suglasnosti za prikupljanje i obradu osobnih podataka od strane HAIPRO GmbH.

Ovim putem dajem suglasnost da tvrtka HAIPRO GmbH može koristiti i distribuirati sljedeće osobne podatke u svrhu zapošljavanja.

  • Ime i adresu

  • Broj telefona i email address

  • Bankovni racun

  • Osobnu iskaznicu, putovnicu i e-karticu

  • Broj socijalnog osiguranja

  • Životopis i sl.

  • Ugovor o radu

  • Platnu listu

  • Potvrda o bolovanju i slične documents

Tvrtka HAIPRO GmbH može izričito koristiti ove osobne podatke u svrhu traženja posla u smislu posredovanja i proslijediti ih trećim stranama povezanim s tim postupkom.
Tvrtka HAIPRO GmbH može izričito tražiti i prikupljati iste osobne podatke od poslodavca i drugih strana uključenih u postupak u razdoblju nakon uspješnog posredovanja i zapošljavanja.
Ovi podaci pohranjeni su na poslužitelju HAIPRO GmbH i mogu ih pregledavati samo ovlaštene osobe. Ovime jamčimo da se električna obrada podataka koji provodimo temelji na važećim zakonima i da je neophodna za sklapanje ugovornog odnosa.
Osim toga, za daljnje prikupljanje podataka potreban je pristanak korisnika. Automatsko brisanje se odvija nakon 24 mjeseca ako odgovarajući podaci više nisu potrebni.

Prava korisnika

Davatelj suglasnosti ima pravo opozvati ovu suglasnost u bilo kojem trenutku bez navođenja razloga. Nadalje, prikupljeni podaci mogu se po potrebi ispravljati ili brisati ili se njihovo prikupljanje može ograničiti.
Detaljne informacije o opsegu prikupljanja podataka koje provodimo možete zatražiti na zahtjev na dolje navedenoj adresi. Prijenos podataka može se zatražiti i ako potpisnik želi da se njegovi podaci proslijede trećoj strani.

Posljedice nedavanja suglasnosti

Davatelj suglasnosti ima pravo ne pristati na ovu izjavu o suglasnosti, međutim, budući da se naša usluga traženja posla oslanja na prikupljanje i obradu navedenih osobnih podataka, nedavanje suglasnosti bi onemogućilo korištenje naših usluga.


Pritužbe, zahtjeve za informacijama i druge nedoumice treba uputiti sljedećem uredu:

Ivan Hrnjak, director
Hummelbachgasse 16
4880 St Georgen im Attergau

Pristanak korisnika

Davatelj suglasnosti jamči da je suglasna s prikupljanjem i obradom njegovih osobnih podataka od strane HAIPRO GmbH te da je upoznata sa svojim pravima.

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